Meet Anne: American Egg Board's New CEO And President

Anne L. Alonzo is a recognized leader with previous roles in the public, private and non-profit sectors and significant experience in agriculture, food and sustainability. And now, as the President and CEO of the American Egg Board (AEB), she’s eggstatic to help lead this organization into its next 40 years of success.

Here’s some quick Q&A’s with Anne:

How do you like your eggs?
I love my eggs sunny-side up and if possible accompanied with flour tortillas and a little flair! Growing up in a Latino family and community, we ate eggs all the time. I feel like we have an incredible opportunity to reach and engage with diverse communities about the many ways to eat and enjoy this affordable nutritional powerhouse.

How would you describe the typical egg farmer?
I would say first of all that egg farmers are very entrepreneurial, proud and hardworking. It seems typically hail from a family with decades of experience producing delicious, nutritious and affordable eggs. This is a 365-day, 24-hour job. Without fail, I find that America’s egg farmers are committed to do what’s right for their hens, the environment and their communities. The recently published sustainability study speaks to the success of some of their efforts.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: American Egg Board