The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) canceled and reissued the content of Notice 29-16, which instructs inspection program personnel (IPP) regarding procedures to verify that establishments meet the new labeling requirements for raw or partially cooked needle or blade tenderized beef, as specified in 9 CFR 317.2(e)(3). FSIS, in May 2015, issued a final rule amending the federal meat inspection regulations to require the use of the descriptive designation “mechanically tenderized,” “blade tenderized,’’ or ‘‘needle tenderized’’ on the labels of raw and partially cooked needle- or blade-tenderized beef products. This notice clarifies the requirements of the final rule; identifies the products that are not subject to the rule’s new requirements, including “corned beef;” and updates the web-link to the final rule.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: North American Meat Institute