Turatti To Introduce New Automated Produce Spiralizer At United Fresh Convention

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of uninterrupted attendance, as leading exhibitor at United Fresh, Turatti Group will introduce a groundbreaking machine at the forthcoming edition in Chicago (to be held from June 20 to June 22).

In fact, at the stand #2400 will be showcased the revolutionary model Streamer that cuts hard fruits and vegetables into noodle-like or spaghetti shapes. Creating voluminous ribbons of vegetable delight, this incredible system brings a new excitement to the vegetarian dish. Combining high capacity with amazing quality and versatility, the unit allows a seamless operation, which cannot be achieved with the small commercial kitchen tools. As a matter of fact, thanks to its patented design the model can process automatically large quantities of fruits and vegetables, handling different products at the same time. Different shapes are obtainable from carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, broccoli stalk, butternut squash,… offering the possibility to recover otherwise unutilized parts (stalks, cores, irregular products…).

The unit is currently nominated for the 2016 Produce Innovation Awards competition.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Turatti Group