Trader Joes Lauded In Orange County, CA For Green Dairy

Best Place To Shop Green

Locations throughout Orange County
800-SHOP TJS (746-7857)

  • Cage-free eggs.
  • Hormone-free (rBST) milk and dairy products.
  • Large variety of soy-based dairy-replacement items.
  • Unconventional organic products, often with biodegradable packaging.
  • Brand-label apple-smoked bacon is uncured; the only nitrates it contains
    are those that occur naturally from celery salt and sea salt.

Why they’re No. 1: When it comes to organic and earth-friendly offerings, Trader
Joe’s makes a statement in every department. There are organic or eco-sensitive
selections of frozen food, eggs, meats, produce, juices, dairy products, canned
goods, nuts, wine, bakery goods, personal care items and even pet food.

Claim to fame: National and international “culinary ambassadors” are always on
the prowl for unusual, stellar products. They taste test everything; if they
come across a really good product and can strike a deal with the company that
makes it, that company then becomes a maker for the in-house label.

Inside scoop: When you see a product that you love, stock up on that item
because there’s a chance you won’t see it in a few months. Trader Joe’s
inventory is apt to change as products go out of season, production costs rise
or items are discontinued.

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The Orange County Register