FDA Issues Final Food Defense Regulation

The FDA has issued the final food defense regulation under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) outlining the steps needed to prevent intentional adulteration of the food supply. This new rule looks at the specifics of to protecting the food supply.

Under the new rule, both domestic and foreign food facilities are required to complete and maintain a written food defense plan that assesses potential vulnerabilities to deliberate contamination where the intent is to cause wide scale harm. Facilities will need to identify and implement mitigation strategies to address these vulnerabilities, establish food defense monitoring procedures and corrective actions, verify the system is working, ensure that personnel assigned to the duties receive appropriate training and maintain certain records.

AIB's team of food defense experts are carefully reviewing the changes and participating in industry discussions. We will soon update our product line to capture the newest requirements. Watch for more information from AIB about all FSMA regulations. Online education offered through AIB, is currently available for food defense here.

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