NFI Launches New

Washington, DC – The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) has launched its newly redesigned website, It’s not just the look of the site that’s changed, its functionality and direction have too.

In an era of Pinterest, Instagram and Food Blogs the new will not host recipes but will be a home for advocacy and information. The site’s dynamic platform will bring the newest content to visitors rather than requiring them to search for it. With live streaming social media updates, a guide to trending seafood topics and new video content, the site will focus on what’s important in real time.

Whether it’s promoting the latest in seafood science, pushing back against erroneous reporting or making the seafood community aware of important policy and regulatory issues, the new is an important and ever-changing resource.  The site is designed to scale to mobile devices quickly and efficiently, making it an effective on-the-go resource as well.

“The website landscape has changed dramatically in just the past few years,” said NFI’s Communications Manager, Lynsee Fowler. “Visitors want the latest content in one or two clicks. They want video, opinion, images and information all in one place. That’s what the new provides.”

Fowler will host a brief, live Periscope broadcast introducing the new site on Thursday May 19th at 2pm (Eastern). Viewers can watch by following NFI on Periscope via the Twitter handle NFIMedia.

Visitors will continue to see recipes and related posts on NFI’s Pinterest page Eating Seafood and can access all of that content and more, like Facebook and Twitter, via the new site. So, nothing has to go away, it’s just organized differently, in a more efficient and dynamic way. Likewise, NFI members will continue to be able to access the members’ portal for exclusive content.

“The new site represents an evolution in content delivery. Visitors looking of the latest in health, safety, sustainability, trade, and consumer protection will find it only a click or two away,” said Fowler.

NFI is the leading trade association for the seafood community in the United States and promotes the latest on seafood based on ground truth science.  For more information visit our Web site at

Source: The National Fisheries Institute (NFI)