FMI Establishes Bicoastal Membership Roles And Promotes New Leadership

ARLINGTON, VA – Food Marketing Institute (FMI) today unveiled two new positions at the association and announced several executive promotions, further demonstrating FMI’s commitment to member-services across the country and its efforts to amplify the voice of food retail.

In a significant advancement to develop and strengthen relationship with members, FMI created two original positions serving the east and west regions. The two new directors of member relations and advocacy will provide a hands-on physical presence while serving as the primary FMI liaison with key constituencies. They will emphasize government relations, food safety and articulate FMI’s stance on emerging issues. FMI’s Lucas Darnell will represent FMI on the Eastern half of the U.S., and a new hire, Cynthia Brazzel, will cover the Western region.

FMI President and CEO Leslie G. Sarasin commented, “Because of the increased energy being given to state and local issues that are affecting the political landscape, it is imperative for FMI to be in the backyards of our members and fortify our work with food retail state associations. This bicoastal presence will enhance our ability to communicate with our members, better understand their needs and connect them with the many resources FMI provides.”

Darnell has been a director of member services for four years, coming to FMI from the American Frozen Foods Institute (AFFI) where he dedicated efforts across multiple functions in the organization and its communication pulse points: Industry and legislative affairs, and ultimately, member relations. In conjunction with AFFI, Darnell was also the interim executive director of the National Frozen Pizza Institute, a national organization dedicated to advancing the interests of the frozen pizza industry.

Brazzel is a skilled public affairs and marketing communications professional who has worked with and for Fortune 500 corporations and has extensive consulting experience. Beginning her career with the Kellogg Company in the role of consumer affairs and eventually directing government relations at the state and federal levels, Brazzel went on to become a communication and public affairs consultant, representing clients in the food, beverage and consumer products sector. Brazzel is fluent in Spanish and served the last several years as a Board member for Health Talents International coordinating volunteers and translating medical services, health care and education to an underserved population in rural Guatemala.

In addition to creating these new roles, FMI promoted the following executives and acknowledged their ongoing service to the organization and the food retail industry:

  • Stephanie Barnes, Chief Regulatory Officer & General Counsel
  • Ashley Eisenbeiser, Director, Food & Product Safety Programs
  • Andrew Harig, Senior Director, Sustainability, Tax & Trade
  • Rob Rosado, Senior Director, Food & Health Policy
  • Hannah Walker, Senior Director, Technology & Nutrition Policy

Food Marketing Institute proudly advocates on behalf of the food retail industry. FMI’s U.S. members operate nearly 40,000 retail food stores and 25,000 pharmacies, representing a combined annual sales volume of almost $770 billion. Through programs in public affairs, food safety, research, education and industry relations, FMI offers resources and provides valuable benefits to more than 1,225 food retail and wholesale member companies in the United States and around the world. FMI membership covers the spectrum of diverse venues where food is sold, including single owner grocery stores, large multi-store supermarket chains and mixed retail stores. For more information, visit and for information regarding the FMI foundation, visit

Source: Food Marketing Institute