Kee Kitayama Research Foundation Grants $70,000 To CCFC

Santa Barbara, CA – The Kee Kitayama Research Foundation (KKRF) has awarded the California Cut Flower Commission (CCFC) $70,000 to advance key areas of research and sustainability for California’s flower farmers. Up to $40,000 of the funding will be used to help further develop and advance the commission’s recently launched sustainability certification program, BloomCheck. The remaining $30,000 will fund outside research programs with scientists at universities and research institutes focused on California cut flower and potted plant production. 

Founded in 1993 to honor longtime flower farmer and industry leader Kee Kitayama, KKRF funds research and provides educational programs for California's cut flower and potted plant industry. The foundation is funded through industry support. 

"This donation goes to the heart of what California flower farmers believe in—sustainability, stewardship and the value of domestically grown flowers," said KKRF Chair Mike Mellano of Mellano & Company, a former chair of CCFC. "We're proud to support the important work of the Commission’s BloomCheck program and to advance research that guides environmentally sound flower farming practices."

BloomCheck, established this year by CCFC, is California's first sustainable cut flower certification program. The BloomCheck program establishes a system of best management practices for cut flower farms to help guide, educate and certify those farms who are meeting the high standards involved with growing sustainably in California. 

Flower farms that go on to earn BloomCheck certification have met the most rigorous standards for growing flowers in the United States. BloomCheck is the gold standard in certification, recognizing farmers' dedication to the environment, to employees and to delivering fresh, safe, breathtaking flowers and foliage.

"This award from the Kee Kitayama Research Foundation will help us to more quickly advance the development of BloomCheck," said Kasey Cronquist, CCFC CEO and ambassador. "We are extremely grateful for the funding and for the vote of confidence in the work we are doing on behalf of flower farmers here in the U.S.”

California Cut Flower Commission

The California Cut Flower Commission (CCFC) unites the state’s approximately 225 flower farmers who generate over $328 million in farmgate value, employ over 4,500 Californians and contribute a $1.7 million each day to the state’s economy. In addition to providing cooperative marketing opportunities and administering advocacy efforts, the commission has positioned the California Grown and Certified American Grown brands as highly recognizable, consumer-facing brands that have proven to drive sales of the state’s fresh flowers and foliage.

Source: California Cut Flower Commission