The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is proposing to amend the Egg Research and Promotion Rules and Regulations to update the Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, and Information Language (IP) section of the regulations. The proposed amendment would model current commodity research and promotion program orders created under the Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996.
Currently, the regulations state that IP accruing from work funded by the American Egg Board (AEB) shall become property of the U.S Government as represented by the AEB and that IP may be licensed subject to approval by the Secretary of Agriculture. The proposed rule would change the language to allow that ownership of any IP developed during a project funded by the AEB to be determined by agreement between the AEB and another party. This will provide the AEB with the flexibility it needs to negotiate contracts for projects that may involve IP rights.
The proposed rule will be published in the March 16, 2016, Federal Register. Comments may be posted online at, or sent to Kenneth Payne, Director, Research and Promotion Division, Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program, AMS, USDA, Room 2608-S, STOP 0249, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20249-0251; or via Fax to (202) 720–1125. Comments will be made available for public inspection at the above address during regular business hours or at
Comments received will be posted without change, including any personal information provided. All comments should reference the docket number, Docket No. AMS–LPS–15–0042; the date of submission; and the page number of the issue of the Federal Register. Comments must be received by May 16, 2016.
The 36-member board administers a coordinated egg promotion and research program designed to expand uses of eggs and egg products in domestic and international markets.
For more information on the American Egg Board visit or
Source: USDA AMS