Rudy Grass-Fed Beef Farm Animal Welfare Approved

RUDY — M&M Farm, operated by Tom and Sue Moore, recently became the first in Arkansas to receive certification as Animal Welfare Approved for grass-fed beef production.

M&M joins three other local farms that carry the AWA certification for other meats, including West Mountain Farm at Winslow for pigs and laying hens on pasture, Mason Creek Farm south of Fayetteville for Boston Mountain hogs, and the Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center at Booneville for breed stock.

“We’re holding ourselves to the highest standards is what we are doing,” Tom Moore said walking among his heard of 28 cows. “Because there are going to be a lot of people who are going to try figure what is the least they can do. We’d rather be known as doing the best that can be done.”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Times Record