A popular Portland bagel maker could be on its way to Westbrook, setting up a wholesale production facility and serving breakfast sandwiches and coffee.
Union Bagel Co., which is located on 147 Cumberland St. in Portland, is eyeing a second location at 9 Cumberland St. in Westbook, a vacant building next to the Siam Square Thai restaurant. It was most recently Eddie’s Eatery.
Union Bagel Co. owner Paul Farrell said this week he’s still in the early stages of planning for a potential Westbrook location. However, he said, “There is a lot about Westbrook that is appealing overall and the site I'm exploring.”
The company appeared on the Westbrook Planning Board agenda Tuesday, requesting a light manufacturing use for the property, which requires a special exception permit. According to the meeting agenda, the operation proposed is “wholesale bagel production with retail bagel, sandwich, and coffee sales.”
To read the rest of the story, please go to: American Journal