Article Highlights Role Of Meat In Healthful Dietary Pattern

An article published in the Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences underscores the important role meat plays in a healthful dietary pattern. The article counters the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s (DGAC) recommendation of lower red and processed meat consumption, and instead, discusses menu models that demonstrate consumers can achieve healthful dietary patterns eating a variety of foods including meat, poultry and processed meats. These menus provide adequate intakes of nutrients of concern and also meet current recommended limits for energy and over consumed nutrients. The researchers also cite meat’s benefit as a high quality protein that contains essential nutrients, including iron, zinc, B vitamins, selenium, choline and potassium. The researchers caution against advice that limits or restricts protein- and nutrient-rich foods, like red and processed meats, stating such guidance may threaten the acceptance and implementation of future Dietary Guidelines.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: North American Meat Institute