Method Updated For Indicating A Product As A 'Fair Flowers Fair Plants'

We, of Fair Flowers Fair Plants, believe in a fair world with fair ornamental plant cultivation products. Flowers and plants produced with respect for the environment and employees on the farms. Submitted by here around the corner to around the world. So can we trust a fair future for our (grand)children. The consumer label Fair Flowers Fair Plants represents all of this. So you can be confident that it’s seated properly.

Through the 1st of January of 2016 our conditions will be adjusted. In short:

General, article 5, will be adjusted with the following text:
• The only way to indicate a product is a Fair Flowers Fair Plants consumer product is by using the label with the logo and registration number (either by obtaining clicklabels or sticker labels in the web shop or by closing a licence agreement)
No other method of indicating a product as a Fair Flowers Fair Plants product is allowed.

To see and compare with the actual conditions:

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Fair Flowers Fair Plants