Markon’s Announces First Chef Summit

SALINAS, Calif. – Chefs increasingly want to understand how products they use are grown, harvested, packed and processed – and Markon Cooperative Inc. allowed its corporate chefs to experience this firsthand with its first Chef’s Summit.

 The event, which Markon plans to host annually, took place August 17 to 20, 2015 in Salinas, California, allowed the chefs to enjoy field and facility tours. The group also attended a Product Expo where they visually and tactilely experienced the quality and flavor of a wide array of fresh fruit and vegetable products. And to give the corporate chefs a stronger voice in the research and development of future products, roundtable discussions were employed to capitalize on their vast knowledge and expertise.

 “This year's Chef Summit was a huge success. The event was a top-notch collaboration of more than 20 chefs from around the U.S. and Canada. I look forward to future opportunities with our growers and culinary talent—and I’m excited for the potential new items developed from this event,” explains Markon Member Chef Chris Casson.

 Nearly 30 years ago, Markon was the first company to create chef-driven fresh fruit and vegetable products specifically tailored for the foodservice market. Since then its objective has been to meet, even foresee, the wants and needs of chefs and operators. The collective minds of the corporate chef community in attendance furthered Markon’s goal of product education, idea exchange, new product creation and national networking. In fact, the event surpassed expectations, resulting in an informative, truly bonding meeting that brought together chefs from all corners of the continent.

 “The inaugural Markon Chef Summit was an amazing experience. Visiting the fields for the first time brought the familiar Markon message to life and the opportunities to network with other chefs allowed us to share similar pains, opportunities and needs. All in all, a great event that I’m already looking forward to next year,” said Markon Member Chef Mark Emery.

About Markon

From its headquarters in Salinas, California, Markon Cooperative, Inc. provides fresh produce purchasing, logistics, information, and marketing services exclusively to its seven member distributors and their foodservice customers. A leader in food safety, quality control, and innovation, Markon is also mindful of the produce industry's impact on people – from field workers to consumers. Read more about Markon at

Source:  Markon