ABA Leads Meeting With FDA On FSMA Implementation As First Rule Deadline Approaches

ABA commended Mike Taylor, Deputy Commissioner for Foods and Veterinary Medicine at FDA, on his outreach and open communication as the first FMSA rule is slated for the Federal Register.  ABA’s Lee Sanders, as co-chair of the Food & Beverage Industry Alliance, led an industry sector meeting with FDA staff discussing Preventive Controls for Human Food & Animal Feed Rules, Nutrition Facts Labeling, and the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) process.  FDA and industry alike will continue striving for an open and collaborative process as the compliance date for the Preventive Controls for Human Foods rule approaches in August 2016.  Training of the FDA district and state inspection staff will be key as the food industry moves into the next phase of FSMA implementation and funding for this process.

The new Preventive Controls rule will require bakers to have a written food safety plan that includes:

  • A hazard analysis;
  • Preventive controls to minimize and eliminate the hazards;
  • Monitoring;
  • Corrective action; and
  • Verification to ensure preventive controls are in place and working

FDA is working on a series of guidance documents to assist the food industry including:

To read the rest of the story, please go to: American Bakers Association