United Fresh: All Harmonized Standards Now Available In Spanish

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Spanish versions of Field Operations and Harvesting, Post-harvest Operations and the Combined Harmonized Food Safety Standards are all now official without change and available for use.

The Harmonized Standards were created by a wide spectrum of fresh produce industry stakeholders by merging the requirements of over a dozen well-respected Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) food safety standards. The Harmonized Standards are freely available for use and have been adopted by more than 20 audit organizations, including USDA, GLOBALG.A.P, SQF and the audit organizations mentioned below. “The Harmonized Standards provide a level playing field in food safety expectations desired by the largest to the smallest suppliers, regardless of who performs the audit” said Dr. David Gombas, United Fresh’s Sr. Vice President, Food Safety and Technology and coordinator for the Produce GAPs Harmonization Initiative. “The official Spanish versions are the next step in assuring that consistency.”

United Fresh thanks the following individuals and their organizations for their skills, time and efforts in translating the Field Operations and Harvesting and Combined Harmonized Food Safety Standards:

* Mario Velasco, Quality Certification Services

* Steve Eguino, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

* Georgina Felix, Fresh Produce Association of the Americas

* Jose Almanza, Food Safety Consulting & Training Solutions, LLC

“Our thanks also to Darden Restaurants, who hosted the 2 day marathon effort at their Orlando headquarters,” said Gombas, “Without their hospitality and support, this project would have been far more difficult.”

All three documents are considered final as of September 1, 2015. The Harmonized Standards are available for free download at, www.unitedfresh.org/food-safety/gap-harmonization-initiative.

For questions or additional information on the Harmonized Standards or the Produce GAPs Harmonization Initiative, contact Dr. David Gombas, Sr. Vice President, Food Safety and Technology at dgombas@unitedfresh.org or 202-303-3411.


About United Fresh Produce Association

Founded in 1904, the United Fresh Produce Association brings together companies across every segment of the fresh produce supply chain, including growers, shippers, fresh cut processors, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, foodservice operators, industry suppliers and allied associations.

We empower industry leaders to shape sound government policy. We deliver the resources and expertise companies need to succeed in managing complex business and technical issues. We provide the training and development individuals need to advance their careers in produce. Through these endeavors, we unite out industry with a common purpose – to build long-term value for our members and grow produce consumption. For more information, visit www.unitedfresh.org

Source: United Fresh Produce Association