The Meat Institute submitted comments to Health Canada regarding proposed changes to Canada's Nutrition Facts table on food products. The comments commend the five year implementation period, stating it provides sufficient time for industry to make the necessary changes and ensure existing labels stocks can be used, while also accommodating any potential logistical challenges and supply chain issues associated with updating the Nutrition Facts table. NAMI also supports Health Canada's decision to list total sugars, regardless of type, on the label, because the body metabolizes naturally occurring and added sugars in the same way. The comments, however, characterized as premature the proposed reduction in recommended daily sodium intake from 2,400 mg to 2,300 mg. The Meat Institute cited a recent study, which concluded sodium intakes within the rage of 2,695-4,945 mg per day are associated with the most favorable health outcomes, and underscored U.S. Institute of Medicine findings that have not consistently demonstrated significant health benefits or adverse health outcomes from sodium intakes at or below 2,300 mg per day.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: North American Meat Institute