United Fresh Applauds Introduction Of Senate Water Legislation

United Fresh Produce Association strongly supports the introduction of the California Emergency Drought Relief Act, S. 1894, by Senators Feinstein and Boxer of California, which falls on the heels of recently passed legislation by the U.S. House of Representatives, The Western Water and American Food Security Act of 2015. With the introduction of this important legislation United Fresh offers the following statement:

“United Fresh welcomes the leadership of Senators Feinstein and Boxer with their introduction of the California Emergency Drought Relief Act. With $2 billion in lost income and over 17,000 lost jobs in California alone, it’s time for Congress to find a solution to this historic drought situation. And, while California has been the focal point of this concern, many other states and communities across the Western United States are suffering similar conditions. Couple this important legislation with the recently passed House bill, and we implore Congress to roll up its sleeves and work together to find a compromise which modernizes our outdated federal water laws and regulations and realizes critical balance between rural, urban and environmental needs. In September, more than 500 produce industry leaders will be in Washington, D.C., and we look forward to Congress conveying demonstrated progress on this important issue to our industry.”

The United Fresh Washington Conference takes place September 28-30 and will be focusing on passing drought legislation as one of their major issues during their visits to Capitol Hill that week. To learn more about the conference and register, visit the conference page.

Source: United Fresh Produce Association