Asiago DOP Cheese At Expo Milano 2015

A whole week dedicated to the theme of biodiversity: from June 26 to July 2, the Consortium for the Protection of Asiago Cheese enhances the program of events held in the Federalimentare – Cibus is Italy Pavilion, preparing an outdoor corner stand designed to explain all about the characteristics of Asiago DOP and its origin. In this area, visitors can learn about the history and traditions of this cheese, and participate, every day, until July 2, in free tasting sessions and taste the cheese at various stages of the ripening process.

On June 30, the partnership between the Consortium for the Protection of Asiago Cheese and Slow Food will really pick up speed, with the showing of the documentary “Capindo la late. Transumanza di uomini e bestie attraverso il tempo sull'Altopiano di Asiago 7 Comuni” at 15:00. It is a fresco of life and the world of the mountain pasture created by Andrea Colbacchini and Giuliano Cremasco following more than 18 months of research.

The work provides an opportunity to reflect on the value of mountain agriculture where the Alpine malga owners, with their milk and cheese processing activities, become the custodians of the pasture and the protectors of its animal biodiversity.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Expo Milano 2015