Sheep Ranchers Count On American Muslims To Keep Lamb On Menu

Sheep ranchers, feedlot owners, and processors in states like Colorado, Nebraska and Illinois are banking on America becoming a more diverse place.

Specifically, they want American Muslims to buy more of their lamb.

Today, the average American eats roughly a half pound of lamb per year. That number has been dropping for decades. Compare that with the more than 50 pounds of beef and almost 90 pounds of chicken each American eats every year. Megan Wortman, executive director of the American Lamb Board, the industry's producer-funded promotional arm, says lamb is saddled with perception problems.

"We've lost a couple generations that just do not have any experience with lamb, or they've had a really bad experience with lamb," Wortman says. "The grandmother who overcooked it, and it was tough and brown and dull and gamey. They put mint jelly all over it."

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