Markets In 16 Countries Unite Together For 'Love Your Local Market' Campaign

Over 2,000 retail and wholesale markets from 16 countries will come together to celebrate the positive contribution local markets offer their communities and customers, celebrating ‘Love Your Local Market’ (LYLM) 2015 between 15 and 30 May 2015.

Participating countries include markets in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Holland, Poland, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, Serbia, Hong Kong and the USA. As a result of the LYLM 2015 success, it is expected that LYLM will be an annual event in the global market calendar.

This public celebration is a fun occasion for people from all ages and walks of life to celebrate the local markets in their communities. Participating markets will offer prize giveaways, competitions, public workshops, seminars, food tastings, product deals, local entertainment, arts, craft and displays, and even cinema, in a variety of actions and activities throughout the month of May.

While many countries will also promote a local or national message, the international slogan for LYLM 2015 is: Markets Save, Markets Create! The international LYLM 2015 campaign will highlight the role that markets play in saving SMEs, the environment, tradition, culture, food and money; as well as the benefits markets provide in creating jobs, small business, fun, excitement, community, and opportunities to buy fresh, healthy food at affordable prices.

Brixton Market in London, UK will host the pre-launch of the 2015 LYLM campaign on 30 April 2015 in the Council Chamber of the Lambeth Town Hall, in collaboration with Groupe Geraud (UK and France). It is an appropriate venue as ‘LYLM’ is originally a UK initiative launched by the National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA) in 2011 and has received invaluable support from the UK Government. Due to the success of LYLM in the UK, the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) was invited to support the development of an international campaign, and open the doors for the first world-wide market celebration of its kind.

Attending this international pre-launch of LYLM 2015 will be a number of markets and national market associations within Europe, including the UK, France, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Greece and the Netherlands. See the attached LYLM Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a complete list of LYLM 2015 participating markets. LYLM will not only include public retail markets, but wholesale markets also have an important part to play in the campaign, with many offering promotional and marketing support of the event.

A joint WUWM and Royal Photographic Society (Italian chapter) photo competition entitled ‘I love my market’ will also coincide with the event, encouraging young people to get out on to their local markets. More information is available from, a new WUWM website promoting retail markets world-wide, which will unite the various national LYLM actions and activities.

Direct information from markets and their national associations participating in LYLM 2015 is available by visiting the following LYLM websites:

WUWM International –

UK –
France –
Holland –
Ireland –
Barcelona –
Sweden –
Germany –

Don’t forget to join us on Twitter (WUWMarkets) and Facebook (World-Union-of-Wholesale-Markets), and link to many participating country and market social media sites including #LYLM2015 which already enjoys some 11,000 followers.

WUWM is a non-profit association which promotes the international exchange of information on wholesale and retail markets with a view to improving their construction, organisation and management. For further information on WUWM please contact: Maria Cavit, WUWM Secretary General, Molenstraat 15, 2513BH, The Hague, the Netherlands. Tel: +31 70 361 1728     Fax: +31 70 360 6908 E-mail: URL: and

Source: World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM)