Sysco: Produce In The Spotlight

Produce has long been considered the dependable yet not particularly exciting sidekick to protein. But the perception of meat, poultry and fish as the unchallenged stars of the plate is beginning to shift as fruits and vegetables finally are being allowed their opportunity to step into the culinary spotlight.

Increasingly, chefs and restaurateurs are lavishing more care and creativity on produce as they develop their menus — even to the extent of moving certain formerly supporting ingredients into the traditional center-of-the-plate positions.

“Produce — in particular vegetables — are becoming much more of a focus versus whatever meat might be on the plate,” says Sanna Delmonico, senior manager of culinary nutrition for strategic initiatives at the Culinary Institute of America at its Greystone campus in California. “We're seeing more menu items where the highlight of the dish is vegetables rather than a meat-focused dish with a side of vegetables.”

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