WASHINGTON — After an impressive showdown in Miami, Reggie Bush showed he has
what it takes to win big. Not only does he have an impressive new ring to show
off but also his own Milk Mustache. The 13th annual winning football Milk
Mustache ad runs in USA Today on Monday, February 8.
The famed running back is the latest superstar athlete to join the Body By Milk
campaign created to encourage teens to drink three glasses of lowfat or fat free
milk, eat right and exercise to help look and feel their best. Past Body By Milk
football stars include Kurt Warner, Ben Roethlisberger and Michael Strahan.
Bush’s ad copy reads, “It’s mine. And nothing can take it away from me. Milk
helped me fuel up to play 60. And it’s got nutrients I need to refuel after the
Super Bowl. So down the milk, and play for keeps.”
Visit www.bodybymilk.com to check out behind-the-scenes video and photos from
Bush’s ad shoot. While you’re there, be sure to check out the other great and a
chance to make your own Milk Mustache ad!
Milk Processor Education Program