Springer Mountain Farms Honors Southeastern Culinary Talent

MT. AIRY, Ga.– As part of its initiative to support locally sourced, independent restaurants, Georgia-based poultry producer Springer Mountain Farms has awarded three notable chefs in the southeast with its prestigious Celebrate the Chef Award. Chef Drew Van Leuvan of Seven Lamps in Atlanta, Chef Chris Coleman of The Asbury in Charlotte and Chef Anthony (Tony) Patton of Whiskey Kitchen in Nashville have been honored for their impressive culinary talent and commitment to their local communities.

Springer Mountain Farms, known for its flavorful chicken raised without antibiotics, presents the Celebrate the Chef Award each quarter to one chef in Atlanta, Charlotte and Nashville. The winner must represent a high-end restaurant that provides top-notch service and features its chicken on the menu. The award celebrates established culinary backgrounds, community involvement and a passion for creating the most innovative cuisine.“Our Celebrate the Chef program truly represents Springer Mountain Farms’ commitment to supporting the best of the southeast,” said Dale Faunce, marketing director at Springer Mountain Farms. “We have established the highest standards to ensure our chickens are the healthiest, most flavorful option on the market and, in turn, the best quality for chefs and consumers. As a local, family-owned company, we’re proud to recognize culinary talent in the communities they serve.”

Celebrate the Chef Award winners receive promotional assistance and a set of television appearances to showcase their restaurant, menu selections and talent. To learn more about the work of Chef Van Leuvan, Chef Coleman or Chef Patton, please click their names for a brief video. If you are interested in learning more about the award program and how to get involved, please contact Dale Faunce at dalefaunce@springermountainfarms.com or 706-778-5100.

About Springer Mountain Farms

Built on strong family values, Springer Mountain Farms is a Mt. Airy, Ga. – based poultry producer that promises the healthiest, most flavorful and top quality chickens on the market. The family-owned business was the first poultry company in America to be certified by the American Humane Association for the humane treatment of chickens. Springer Mountain Farms’ chickens are raised on a pesticide-free vegetarian diet without the use of antibiotics, steroids, growth stimulants or hormones. To learn more about Springer Mountain Farms, visit www.SpringerMountainFarms.com or mobile at m.springermountainfarms.com. Find us on Facebook, Twitter @springermtnfarm and Pinterest.

Source: Springer Mountain Farms