Minnesota's Autumnwood Farm Enjoying Its Milk's Popularity

FOREST LAKE, Minn. — When Pat and Shar­lene Daninger be­gan bot­tling their own milk on the farm, would-be buy­ers hardly paid them any at­ten­tion.

“No­body wanted to talk to us,” Shar­lene said.

More than six years into their ven­ture, cus­tomers are prac­ti­cally beat­ing a path to their barn door.

“We haven’t had to so­licit a client for three or four years,” she said.

Cream-line milk from the 50 graz­ing Hol­steins at Au­tum­n­wood Farm can be found in gro­cery stores through­out the Twin Ci­ties area, in­clud­ing all Fes­ti­val Foods and Kowal­ski’s stores and sev­eral Cub out­lets.

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