Tia Keenan Joins The Original Chevre Campaign

NEW YORK  — The Goat Cheeses of France announces the appointment of Tia Keenan as Ambassador for its US campaign, The Original Chevre. Tia will be involved in all aspects of the campaign, from media relations to strategic consumer events, to further the awareness of the origin and variety of French goat cheeses. 

Authentic French goat cheese is the result of an expertise developed over centuries of artisan craftsmanship. With 3,000 farmhouse goat cheese producers and over 60 dairies – the range of tastes, textures, rinds and shapes are exceptionally varied. While there are certain distinctive characteristics of French goat cheese, each one has a unique profile to be discovered.

"The tradition of goat cheese making in France is unparalleled. There's a special relationship and appreciation for the milk, the land and the recipes, which have been passed down through generations," explains Tia. "I am thrilled to be working with the Goat Cheeses of France to share the story and attributes of the cheeses with the US market."

Tia Keenan has been a dynamic force in the cheese industry for over a decade. As a Chef Fromager, she has been recognized for shifting perceptions of pairings through masterly matching unique house-made condiments with a range of cheeses.

Continuing this creativity, Tia has crafted a selection of French goat cheese pairings, finding a complementary relationship in each to highlight the flavor and texture of the cheese. "You want to respect the cheese, draw out a flavor and amplify it with the accompanying condiment," says Tia.

Please see below for the pairings and photos:

    Board One:
        Crottin with Dried Mango
        Florette with Fresh Plums
        Valencay with Pickled Green Beans
        Pico with Buckwheat Honey
    Board Two:
        Bucheron with Roasted Chestnuts
        Sainte-Maure de Touraine with Candied Lemon
        Chabichou du Poitou PDO with Apple Butter
        Tomme de Chevre Bethmale with Ham

The Original Chevre is the US campaign for the Goat Cheeses of France aiming to raise awareness of the origins, tastes, shapes and uses of French goat cheeses. It is funded by ANICAP, France's Goat Milk Dairy Board, and supported by FranceAgriMer, French Agricultural & Fisheries Board.

For more information please visit www.GoatCheesesofFrance.com.

Source: Goat Cheeses of France