Poll: Majority Of Marylanders Support 1-Year Crab Moratorium

CAMBRIDGE, Md.- After a record high number of crabs caught in 2012, the past two years have been a completely opposite story.  With watermen putting all their effort into catching what few crabs they can, a new poll by Goucher College has proposed a solution to the low crab population that they say the majority of Marylanders are behind.

The idea that 63 percent of Marylanders support, according to the poll, calls for the crabbing season to be shut down for a full year. But locally, the idea is not being met with such a warm reception.

It starts with the watermen.  Scott Todd, president of the Dorchester County Seafood Harvesters Association, says if a moratorium on the crabbing season was passed, many watermen would lose their livelihood.

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