Media, Pennsylvania – After a product launch earlier this year, the Jet-Ready Portable Precooler/ReCooler™ has already proven itself against many competitive precooling designs. Jet users are cooling cherries, grapes, asparagus, herbs, citrus, apples, pears, apricots, tomatoes, bell peppers, and many other products.
According to one Pacific Northwest user (who presently operates six Jet Precoolers), “Committing to a program with your company allows for the end user to have a consistent set up of machinery, instead of a bunch of different repurposed fans.”
He continued, “this consistency is huge, as once a warehouse is using consistent machinery you are able to create a standardized 'recipe book' for how long each package type and commodity takes to cool. No longer is it necessary to constantly send employees into the tunnel location and conduct temperature tests.”
In this installation, the Jet Precoolers were able to cool almost 4-times as fast as the legacy equipment. “The decrease in time necessary to complete the cooling process allows a facility to reduce truck load times,” according to the Shipping/Receiving manager, “and this is a piece of every warehouse's internal metrics. If you can get the trucks out of the yard faster because you don't have to wait so long on cooling, you'll make a lot of warehousemen very happy.”
“The benefits to the packhouse owners are just over the top,” explained Jim Still, founder and president of Global Cooling Inc. “The products have much longer shelf life, there is greater net weight for retailers to sell, the fruit is more disease-resistant, the fruit stays pretty and doesn't wrinkle so much, there are nowhere near as many tractor trailers backed up in the year, and it just goes on and on and on.”
Still, known to many as “Banana Jim” for his invention of Tarpless Ripening 20 years ago now, continued to explain. “Our Jet Precooler uses two 10 HP fan motors, and the fan propeller design is so unique, we deliver more than 30,000 cfm, running at over 2 inches of static pressure, with under 20HP.”
“Our Jet Precoolers are so powerful and affordable,” explained Jim Still, who is also Global's CVO, “they just flat out make money for everyone who owns one just about everywhere you could use powerful forced-air cooling in your operations.”
“Prompt and proper precooling,” Still explained, “is a postharvest magic that reduces produce and floral respiration, and in so doing, minimizes water loss, which is the key to maximizing shelf life and salable weight, and preserving curb appeal and flavor.”
“What goes unnoticed by many,” according to Still, “is that all postharvest gains, achieved by operating a better cold chain, drop straight to the bottom line as pure profit.” Continuing with his example, Still added “If a grower or packer can suddenly realize an extra 1% product weight to sell, if he or she sells by the pound or kilo, that additional revenue is all pure profit, in many cases adding 25% or more to the company's total profit amount.”
For more information, see Or eMail to: . Or call 1-610-248-9800. Jim Still, Founder/President/CVO, Global Cooling Inc.
Source: Global Cooling Inc.