Time For New Romance

Anthurium is timeless, fits all trends and styles and is always in fashion. Just one box offers you endless possibilities to create different floral designs. We’re happy to show you some options, which you can easily create yourself. We’ve combined the unique flower with hip & happening styles. Are you up for new romance? 

It’s the amazing combination of red Anthurium, like Tropical®, and this special saturated shade of pink that brings on this modern romance.

Anthurium is always stylish and chic
It’s sweet without becoming clingy and hot without turning sexy. The floral look of new romance offers excellent opportunities to anticipate on a autumn wedding or a new romantic take on September. With Anthurium as your stylish and chic leading lady there’s just no end to what you can achieve with a few seasonal flowers. Go on, we dare you!

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Anthura B.V.