Norwegian Seafood Council Boosts Activities After Russian Import Ban

The Norwegian Seafood Council is boosting its marketing activities in other important markets for Norwegian seafood after the Russian import ban.

The 6th of August Russia announced full stop in import of Norwegian seafood, among other imported food products. Russia is one of Norway’s most important seafood markets, the largest one for the two last years.

”Producers, exporters and marketers of a global product such as salmon stay calm when getting such news. The Seafood Council had the proper tools at the ready when the news about the import ban came. Our country managers all over the world have analysed what marketing activities will have most effect in the short-term, for instance with which retail chains additional campaigns could be planned. In close dialogue with the exporters, we have planned alternative marketing activities for the year to come, aiming to keep the current global demand for Norwegian salmon at its current high level”, says Mr Bjørn-Erik Stabell, marketing manager for salmon in the Norwegian Seafood Council.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Norwegian Seafood Council