Consumers Are Helping Nature & More Grower Zongo To Build A Water Well

The women and children of Takalédougou, Burkina Faso, are really looking forward to the upcoming fruit season, hoping that European consumers will eat a lot of their organic fair-trade mango's. Because if they do, at the end of the year they will have a new water well, relieving them from a daily 5 km walk to the nearest water source.

This year's organic mangos from Nature & More will help construct a water well in the village of Takalédougou near Banfora. For every kilogram of mango's sold, at least 1 cent is reserved for the construction of the water well, on top of the regular fairtrade premium. Nature & More's mango specialist Pieter-Jan Nieuwenhuijs is so involved with the project that he will personally sell mangos at the upcoming Dutch Film Food Festival in Amsterdam, where the full proceeds go to the project.

The construction of the well and sanitary facilities will cost approximately 12.000 euro. Zongo Adama, Nature & More's principal mango producer in Burkina Faso, happily explains why this project was selected: "The well will help the villagers a lot! Now they take their water from a little stream, which is not very hygienic. In the dry season they have to walk 5 km and then carry it back the same distance. This is typically a women's and children's job. A water well will give them clean and safe water and leave them more time for school and work."

Nature & More is the transparency system of Eosta, a leading distributor of organic fruits and vegetables in Europe, based in the Netherlands. With a code sticker on the product you can visit the grower online. More information about Zongo's mango can be found with code 565 at One Cent for the Future campaign selects several projects every year, directly linked to Nature & More growers.

Source: Nature & More / Eosta (Netherlands)