American Floral Endowment Research Deserves Some Love

While research might not always be the most exciting aspect of the floral industry, it deserves some love! AFE has approved more than $280,000 in funding for 2014-2015. This research provides knowledge that helps the industry grow stronger and more profitable.

Research Funding

Gene Mining in Impatiens for Resistance to Infection by the Downy Mildew Pathogen, Plasmopara Obducens
Dr. Gul Shad Ali, Dr. Aaron Palmateer and Dr. Tamer Kahveci, University of Florida, $29,000 (year one of one)

Research significance: Because of impatiens downy mildew, impatiens has fallen from a popular bedding plant to one in jeopardy. Consumers and retailers have grown fond of the plant but now may not have access to it because of the devastating effects of downy mildew. Ali’s project involves the discovery of resistance genes, which when transferred to impatiens will reduce losses caused by downy mildew, benefiting all industry levels. This method reduces the use of fungicides and should result in overall increased profitability for growers.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: American Floral Endowment