FishWise Offers Ideas For Tracing The Source Of Seafood

Earlier this week, a report in Marine Policy offered the startling finding that up to 32 percent of the seafood imported from other countries is illegally caught, meaning that Americans who eat seafood may be unwittingly contributing to overfishing of depleted species.

Our report on the study ended by proposing something along the lines of an extension of the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch project. But it turns out, many knowledgeable people have put a lot of thought and energy into answering the question: How can you know the origins of the fish you eat?

One of them is FishWise, a Santa Cruz nonprofit and consultancy. FishWise's Traceability Director, Mariah Boyle, wrote a 2012 white paper that lays out the issue, catalogs various efforts to improve transparency in the seafood chain* and suggests some next steps for the industry.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Oregonian