Association Of Specialty Cut Flower Growers Notes Milestone

Last year, the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers (ASCFG) celebrated its 25th anniversary. This past month, it welcomed its 700th member. ASCFG President, Frank Arnosky of Texas Specialty Cut Flowers, is pleased with this growth.

“Our numbers have been steadily increasing for years, and reaching this level is a true accomplishment. The ASCFG has always been a leader in the ‘locally-grown’ movement, and the demand for locally-grown cut flowers is skyrocketing.  Consumers are realizing they have a choice between local and imported flowers.  The ASCFG has been the “go-to” source for growers looking for cut flower production information to capitalize on this demand.  ASCFG members are excited about what they grow and willingly share information.  Our members are our greatest strength, and now we have strength in numbers.”

The 700th member is Dawn Smith of Bellaire Blooms. She grows a wide variety of cut flowers, and sells to farmers’ markets and for weddings in Bellaire, Michigan.

The ASCFG is the only national trade association for commercial cut flower growers. It provides production and marketing information to its members via meetings, publications, and online communications. This year’s National Conference will be held October 19-22 in Newark, Delaware. Highlights include tours of nearby cut flower farms and Longwood Gardens, a special floral design session, and an evening of  “Speed Date a Pro”, at which new growers can grill their experienced colleagues on their best – and worst – practices.

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Source: Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers (ASCFG)