World Will Be The Cape's Oyster In 2015

The Cape and Islands is the epicenter of the Massachusetts oyster-growing industry, which has seen phenomenal growth in recent years. In 2010, Massachusetts shellfishermen and aquaculturists landed 2.9 million pounds of oysters worth $6.97 million. In 2012, that had boomed to 4.1 million pounds worth $11.6 million.

In 2015, the region will be host to the world's oyster experts and devotees, as the Cape was recently chosen as the site of the sixth annual International Oyster Symposium.

"I thought it was a long shot, but we just heard last week they are coming and that's great for us, and great for them given the innovative things we are doing," said Wendy Northcross, chief executive officer of the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Cape Cod Online