National Dairy Council & Lactaid Help The Lactose Intolerant

RUTLAND, MA —  An estimated 30-50 million Americans believe they are lactose intolerant and often avoid dairy such as milk, cheese and yogurt; and because of it are missing out on key nutrients and health benefits. This February, during National Lactose Intolerance Awareness Month, National Dairy Council and the LACTAID® Brand are partnering to educate Americans who are lactose intolerant about the essential nutrients that milk provides and that there are real dairy options that will not cause them discomfort!

Throughout the month, National Dairy Council and the LACTAID® Brand are encouraging those who are lactose intolerant to try LACTAID® Brand's lactose free recipes to help get their recommended three daily servings of dairy. Recipes will include  Blueberry Muffins for a delicious breakfast treat, Creamy Garlic Potatoes and Creamy Herbed Chicken for a protein-filled lunch or dinner, and a delicious Cappuccino — all of which use LACTAID® Lactose Free Milk.

Lactose intolerance is defined as gastrointestinal disturbances affecting people without enough of the enzyme lactase, which the body uses to break down lactose, a sugar naturally found in milk.

"According to the Dietary Guidelines, Americans 9 and older should consume 3 daily servings of low-fat or fat-free milk and milk products every day as part of a healthy, balanced diet," said Karen Kafer, Registered Dietitian for National Dairy Council. "We know many Americans are not getting their recommended three daily servings of dairy, particularly if they're lactose intolerant. By including lactose free dairy options like LACTAID® Milk people can make sure they get the essential nutrients milk provides such as calcium, protein, potassium and vitamin D."

National Dairy Council (NDC), the non-profit organization founded by America's dairy farmers and funded by the national dairy checkoff program, is committed to nutrition education and research-based communications. NDC provides science-based nutrition information to, and in collaboration with, a variety of stakeholders committed to fostering a healthier nation, including health professionals, educators, school nutrition directors, academia, industry, consumers and media. Established in 1915, NDC comprises a staff of registered dietitians and nutrition research and communications experts across the country. NDC has taken a leadership role in promoting child health and wellness through programs such as Fuel Up to Play 60. For more information, visit

LACTAID® Brand offers 100% real dairy products including milk, chocolate milk and cottage cheese that are lactose free! Because it's real dairy, LACTAID® Milk provides 9 essential nutrients including calcium, protein, vitamins A and D. Along with a healthy overall diet and regular exercise, calcium is important for strong bones, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis, is essential for muscle contraction and helps keep the nervous system healthy.

For more information, please visit or take the free Dairy Sensitivity Test and find more great recipe ideas at

Source: National Dairy Council / LACTAID® Brand