USDA Calls For Nominations To Re-Chartered Fruit & Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a call for nominations for the 2013-2015 Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee.

This advisory committee examines the full spectrum of issues faced by the fruit and vegetable industry and offers the Secretary of Agriculture advice on how USDA can tailor its programs to better meet the fruit and vegetable industry’s needs.  The exchange of views and information between the industry and government improves understanding of the impact of USDA programs on the industry and contributes to those programs’ effective and efficient administration.  The committee has been established under the authority of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-463).

The Secretary of Agriculture will appoint up to 25 representatives of the nation’s fruit and vegetable industry to serve terms of two or three years.  Members represent the diverse spectrum of fruit and vegetable growers; shippers; wholesalers; brokers; retailers; processors; fresh cut processors; foodservice suppliers; state agencies involved in organic and non-organic fresh fruits and vegetables at local, regional and national levels; state departments of agriculture; and trade associations.  USDA encourages nominees who reflect the full diversity of the fruit and vegetable industry, including business size, industry role, sex, race/ethnicity, age, location, and production methods.  Board members are reimbursed for travel and associated expenses.   

Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Administrator Anne Alonzo has made it clear that getting a committee in place is a priority.  “I’ve talked to industry leaders and have heard their concerns about how important it is to have an advisory committee that reflects a diversity of perspectives and opinions,” said Alonzo, who stepped in to lead AMS in May.  “Getting applications from qualified nominees is a key part of making sure the committee is able to get up and running as quickly as possible.”

Written nominations must be received on or before Dec. 26, 2013, and should be sent to Charles W. Parrott, Deputy Administrator, c/o Pamela Stanziani, Designated Federal Officer,  Fruit and Vegetable Programs, USDA Room 2077-S, Stop 0235, Washington, D.C. 20250-0235. Nominations may also be faxed to (202) 720-0016 or e-mailed to

Advisory committee members will elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson during the first official meeting.  As Deputy Administrator of USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service Fruit and Vegetable Program, Parrott will serve as the committee’s executive secretary.  Additional information on this advisory committee is available on the Internet at

Details of this notice will appear in the Nov. 25, 2013, Federal Register.

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Source: USDA Agricultural Marketing Service