Puratos Cremfil Ultim Fillings Aim To Preserve Freshness & Reduce Fat

Groot-Bijgaarden – Puratos introduces Cremfil Ultim, fillings that offer the bakery and patisserie industry an answer to consumer demands for indulgence, health and convenience – the three aspects that have been driving growth in snacking over recent years. These greattasting chocolate and nut fillings contain less than 10% fat and help to preserve freshness.

According to the Innova Snack Revolution 2013 report, there are three key aspects that have been driving the growth in snacking launches in the last 5 years: indulgence, health and convenience. In line with these trends, Puratos has created the Cremfil Ultim fillings. These fillings – which are available in three varieties: chocolate (up to 25% real or imitation chocolate), hazelnut and white chocolate– offer a great chocolate taste characterised by roasted and cocoa flavours. In addition, Cremfil Ultim fillings contain less than 10% fat and preserves freshness.

Chocolate indulgence is hot

Soft chocolate centres are an emerging trend for chocolate fillings in cakes, muffins, croissants and cookies. Fillings, and in particular chocolate-flavoured fillings, reinforce the indulgent perception of snacks. This is confirmed by a recent studies with the Sensobus® – Puratos’ unique mobile sensory analysis lab –whereby consumers were asked if they preferred sweet goods with or without fillings. In some markets, up to 98% of consumers preferred sweet goods with filling.

Cremfil Ultim fillings offer an answer to consumer snacking demands with the indulgent experience of soft chocolate centres.

Controlled indulgence with fat reduction

In chocolate, there is a trend polarisation amongst ‘Better For You’ products due to increased health concerns, indulgence and the “treat” image of chocolate. Industrial bakers are trying to move more towards chocolate fillings with better nutritional profiles, often as a result of pressure from governments that impose specific nutritional standards for products aimed at children. Countries such as Mexico, France, Spain, Australia, and United States are focusing heavily on providing healthier snacking alternatives for school children.

Adding a Cremfil Ultim filling is not only a way to add indulgence to a product but it can also be a way of rebalancing its nutritional profile. Cremfil Ultim fillings contain less than 10% fat, whilst a traditional fatbased filling contains at least 30% fat. In the case of Cremfil Ultim Hazelnut, it contains 70% less fat, 24% less sugar and 49% less calories than a traditional hazelnut fat-based filling.

The results of including Cremfil Ultim fillings in baked goods can therefore have a significant impact on the nutritional profile of the goods. For example, replacing a traditional hazelnut filling by Cremfil Ultim hazelnut in a soft bun results in a fat reduction of 37%, which would allow for a “reduced in fat “claim according to European Legislation and FDA. In addition, the Cremfil Ultim bun has 27% less saturated fat. Sugars and Calories are reduced by 14% and 15% respectively.

In a muffin, it is possible to achieve 11% fat reduction, 15% saturated fat reduction, 5% sugar reduction and 6% calorie reduction.

In 2012, thanks to the use of Cremfil Ultim, approximately 383 tons of fat were removed from consumers’ diets in different countries (UK, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Greece, Turkey and Egypt).

The convenience of preserved freshness

Cremfil Ultim fillings improve the overall freshness of soft bakery and patisserie items, thanks to the controlled water activity. Studies in buns and muffins show that Cremfil Ultim is able to extend the freshness of soft baked goods over time.

Also, the texture of Cremfil Ultim stays soft and creamy throughout the shelf life. This was further confirmed during a consumer test with Sensobus, where taste and freshness of Cremfil Ultim Hazelnut were appreciated significantly more than that of a standard chocolate hazelnut filling after three months of shelf life.

Source:  Puratos