VANCOUVER – Every day, while most of Vancouver is still asleep, early-rising workers toil behind the scenes to help prepare the city for the day ahead. People such as farmers, sanitation workers, construction crews, postal workers, and firemen are all up at the crack of dawn to ensure that the day will be safe, efficient, and enjoyable. Much of the time, their efforts go unnoticed.
To celebrate the unsung heroes of British Columbia, The BC Egg Marketing Board (BCEMB) has embarked on a province-wide campaign which encourages members of the public to nominate an unsung hero in their own lives who they would like to see recognized and rewarded, via a dedicated website
To kick off the Good Morning BC program, this morning BC Egg Farmers from the Fraser Valley canvassed the streets of Greater Vancouver handing out hundreds of breakfast sandwiches in dozens of locations as a thank you gesture to deserving early risers.
"BC Egg Farmers are up early every single day caring for their hens and making sure that quality eggs are available for British Columbians," says Al Sakalauskas, executive director of the BCEMB. "Today, our egg farmers were up early caring for others. There are lots of people who make our lives safer, easier and more enjoyable every day, but they don't always get the thanks they deserve. The Good Morning BC program is our way of saying thank you."
A highly personalized level of care is one of the unique attributes that make BC eggs reliable, responsible and safe food products. BC Egg Farmers wish to reward others whose ethic of care makes a difference in everyday lives.
About the BC Egg Marketing Board:
The BC Egg Marketing Board is a non-profit organization that is represented by approximately 138 small, family-owned and operated egg farms. These farmers support an industry that feeds its neighbours by providing what could be best described as the perfect food. Our farms are small and this creates a greater connection to the birds that lay the eggs. A more intimate, understandable scale of farming means real people are making responsible decisions about their animals and their welfare. Our eggs are produced in a manner that reflects the spirit of responsibility, accountability, and integrity of all our stakeholders. Our eggs meet or exceed consumer expectations for safety, quality, health and nutrition, choice, the treatment and welfare of birds, and protection of the environment. Our farms operate independently, without government subsidies, and with respect for resources and the products they produce. As a local business egg farmers support our commitment and thus we are able to create a stronger, more viable economy for our current and future generations.
Source: BC Egg Marketing Board