Agribusinesses Capitalizes On Alliance Between Orange Enterprises, Inc., Motorola & ADP

Fresno, Calif. – Orange Enterprises, Inc. allied with Motorola and ADP to create a simple, yet sophisticated labor management solution for agribusiness operations.

The Motorola Enterprise Digital Assistants (EDAs)—a device used to scan data in the field—and the Payroll Employee Tracking (PET Tiger) software system work together to collect, arrange and export labor data to the ADP payroll processing unit—all in real time.

Their synergy dramatically benefits end users like grower, packer and shipper Dole. “The combination of the Motorola hardware and Orange Enterprises software delivers realtime labor data for payroll, job costing, and decision-making: our business relies on it,” said IT Manager, Allison Smith.

Under the ADP export format, users can send the data they have collected to the payroll processing unit of ADP.

The process is straightforward and easy to accomplish. It will take only seconds to complete these fields, even for the least technical savvy users. When data entry is complete, the files are exported to accounting in the form of a spreadsheet that corresponds with the outlined fields.

These files eliminate the need for paper time sheets and reduce the time spent preparing records for payroll processing. At a mere glance, they display all of the data on any given employee in regards to the job they have completed, the time spent on the job and the amount of wages being earned.

“Before this mobile system, we had to wait until the data came in the next day, then we uploaded it, and then we were looking at really raw data and had to process it. Now you can see the data almost immediately, even out in the field, and accuracy is improved because you can see right away if there’s a mistake,” Smith said.

Motorola’s alliance with Orange Enterprises, Inc. has made this innovative approach a possibility for Dole and others like it. For more information on this labor management solution, contact Udi Sosnik,

Orange Enterprises, Inc. incorporates the newest mobile technology into today’s payroll accounting software giving its user a seamless, paperless and wireless labor tracking solution.

Source: Orange Enterprises, Inc.