Carpinteria, CA – In cooperation with The United Fresh Foundation’s Let’s Move Salad Bars to California Schools campaign to donate salad bars to 350 California schools at the United Fresh 2013 convention in San Diego May 15th & 16th Hollandia Produce, LLC of Carpinteria, CA. is proud to announce the donation of 3 new salad bars to the Santa Barbara Unified School District.
The three new fully equipped salad bars will be utilized in the cafeterias at Dos Pueblos High School, San Marco High School and Santa Barbara High Schools. It is our hope that by donating these salad bars students will develop healthy eating habits and influence their parents to purchase fresher produce at the grocery store said CEO Pete Overgaag
Let’s Move Salad Bars to California Schools supports Team California for Healthy Kids, a program started by California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson to increase access to fresh foods and salad bars. United Fresh and its membership is collaborating with the California State Department of Education to achieve these shared goals.
San Marcos High School parent and Hollandia Controller Ellen Seyle reviews a newly installed salads bar with Santa Barbara Unified School District Director of Food Services Nancy Weiss at San Marcos High School.
Source: Hollandia Produce