AMI Releases Meat Mythcrusher Installment On Hot Dog & Sausage Processing

Washington D.C.–The American Meat Institute (AMI), in conjunction with the American Meat Science Association (AMSA), has launched the latest installment of their Meat Mythcrusher video series, which seeks to bust some of the most common myths surrounding the processed meats industry.

The new video tackles the truth behind the process of making hot dogs and sausages. Despite the common saying, “there are two things you never want to see being made: laws and sausages,” Texas A&M Professor and Extension Meat Specialist Dan Hale, Ph.D says the process of making sausage is no more complicated than making a chocolate chip cookie.

“It really is a very neat process, a very clean process as well with stainless steel from top to bottom,” explains Dr. Hale. “The product is labeled and inspected throughout the entire process, so it is a very safe wholesome product for the consumer.”

The Meat Mythcrusher series includes 19 videos and has accumulated more than 28,000 views on YouTube since its launch in 2011. Video topics include myths surrounding hormone use in animals, ammonia in ground beef, meat’s environmental impact and more.

All of the videos and more are available at

AMI represents the interests of packers and processors of beef, pork, lamb, veal and turkey products and their suppliers throughout North America. Together, AMI’s members produce 95 percent of the beef, pork, lamb and veal products and 70 percent of the turkey products in the United States. The Institute provides legislative, regulatory, public relations, technical, scientific and educational services to the meat and poultry packing and processing industry.

AMSA fosters community and professional development among individuals who create and apply science to efficiently provide safe and high quality meat (defined as red meat (beef, pork and lamb), poultry, fish/seafood and meat from other managed species).

Source: The American Meat Institute