Target Dubs Its Retailing Plan For Zellers In Canada ‘Project Bacon’

The plan was code-named Project Bacon, and as it sizzles toward completion next year, it is changing the Canadian retail landscape forever.

On storefronts across the country, the red bull’s eye will soon replace the red “Z.” Thousands of cashiers will lose their jobs. And the Canadian public will have a new place to shop for “cheap chic” goods.

Project Bacon is the tongue-in-cheek name given to U.S. retail giant Target’s plan to break into the Canadian market — one of several revelations contained in a recent B.C. Labour Relations Board decision that also details the fate and value of Zellers’ pharmacy files and prescription information about thousands of customers.

The LRB decision denies a union bid to have the collective agreement at the Zellers at Brentwood Mall in Burnaby — the only unionized Zellers in B.C. — to apply to employees at the new Target store eventually planned for the mall.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Province