Cheese Importers Association Of America To Host Cocktail Reception Following Winter Fancy Food Show

Washington, D.C.- The CIAA is pleased to announce that it is hosting a Cocktail Reception on January 20, 2013, following the Winter Fancy Food Show in San Francisco.  The reception will be held from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Thirsty Bear, at 661 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA.    The Thirsty Bear provides an excellent and convenient location for attendees due to its close proximity to the Moscone Center, where the Fancy Food Show will be held.

This reception will present an educational opportunity for industry affiliates to interact with CIAA members and learn about imported cheeses.

Speaking about the upcoming reception, CIAA President Tom Gellert remarked: “This reception presents a wonderful opportunity for industry and retail attendees to network with CIAA members following the Fancy Food Show.  We are excited for an evening of camaraderie with friends of the Association.”

Anyone wishing to attend the reception should RSVP to the CIAA at with your name, company, and email address.

The Cheese Importers Association, Inc. is a non-profit trade association formed more than sixty years ago whose membership comprises the vast majority of the firms engaged in the business of importing, selling, promoting, and distributing cheese and cheese products in the U.S.  The CIAA endeavors to support dairy trade, within the context of compliance with international trade agreements, and all applicable US regulations.

Source: Cheese Importers Association, Inc.