The Produce Mom & Sage Fruit To Promote Healthy Start To New Year With ‘Biggest Loser Fresh’

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana – Indianapolis Fruit’s The Produce Mom® has partnered with Sage Fruit® to construct a national marketing campaign for Biggest Loser Fresh™ produce & encourage consumers to make 2013 a “New Year, New You.” The campaign will coincide with the premier of The Biggest Loser Challenge America Season 14 & promote apples from Sage fruit, co-branded with The Biggest Loser. Through a series of grocery offers, blogs, social media giveaways, calorie tracking e-networks, recipes & workouts – “New Year, New You” will inspire consumers to eat healthy & stay active.

BodyMedia FIT, the body monitoring device that is featured on NBC’s The Biggest Loser Challenge America along with MyFitnessPal, the calorie-counting website & smartphone app, are the preferred lifestyle tracking devices of The Produce Mom. The campaign will kick-off with an invitation for consumers to join The Produce Mom’s network on MyFitnessPal & a testimonial about her personal success with BodyMedia FIT. Giveaways for “New Year, New You” will include BodyMedia FIT armbands, Biggest Loser merchandise, Produce Mom merchandise, fitness classes & grocery gift cards, compliments of Sage Fruit.

Kaci Komstadius, Social Media Director for Sage Fruit, elaborates “We think this promotion is a great way to kick off 2013. Sage Fruit encourages healthy eating throughout the year. However, we know that January brings new awareness of health and wellness as consumers are setting New Year goals and resolutions. The Produce Mom is an extremely popular public figure and we feel that through our partnership we will be able to convey our message to everyday consumers & increase our brand recognition–especially among the moms across the nation who follow her blog.”

“New Year, New You” will launch on January 6th; more information can be found on The Produce Mom’s website & social media pages, as well as Sage Fruit’sFacebook & Twitter pages.

About The Produce Mom®

Launched in January 2012, The Produce Mom® is the official blog & consumer brand of Indianapolis Fruit Company. The blog is authored by marketing manager, Lori Taylor. Lori has 7 years of experience with Indy Fruit and boasts a diverse background: serving as a sales representative, buyer, and marketing manager for the company. She is also a wife & mother of 2. The Produce Mom blog is based on Lori’s professional and personal life and is a source of industry knowledge that offers a candid, relevant tone. As The Produce Mom, Lori has partnered with some of the produce industry’s top labels for international marketing campaigns. She has also created the school foodservice program, Find Your Favorite™, which inspires children to eat more fruits & vegetables. The Produce Mom has been recognized as a Walt Disney Kids Concern, Indiana Female Focus, Woman of Influence by the National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health and a community partner for the Indianapolis Public Schools’ Foodservice Division. The Produce Mom serves as a voice of the produce industry & is the perfect bridge between Indianapolis Fruit Company and consumers.

The Produce Mom™ can be accessed through the following websites – follow along to understand how “There is a Produce Mom in All of Us”:

Source: Indianapolis Fruit Company