Flower Marketing For 2013

Here we go on another trip around the sun. In the flower industry the sun plays a larger role than in most industries, so we are especially glad to see the New Year arrive and now we can start moving toward Valentine’s Day, Women’s Day, Mother’s Day and longer days in general.

This time of year it is wise to take a few moments to reflect on the last year and chart your course for the coming year. The last year was a good year here at Sun Valley. We had some great crops and some big sales. There was definite room for improvement; some of you might have noticed us run out of red tulips in the last days before Christmas and maybe we should never grow the Doubleen Lily again. That said, our team members achieved some very lofty goals in planting, harvest and packaging a staggering amount of beautiful flowers.

In looking forward to 2013 I always wonder, “How can we encourage more people to bring home flowers.” Not necessarily Sun Valley flowers (although this is strongly encouraged!) but buying flowers to bring to your home, office and give as gifts. One of the highlights of the last year was sitting down for lunch with best-selling author Amy Stewart. Many of you may know her as the author of the seminal book on the flower industry titled, “Flower Confidential” where she traveled the globe finding out the inside scoop on the floral industry. This is a great read for anyone who appreciates flowers, and wonders what really happens behind the scenes.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Flower Talk / Sun Valley Group