USHBC Looking For Candidates For Handler & Importer Member Positions

The USHBC Industry Relations Committee is seeking nominees to be considered for USHBC Handler and Importer Member and Alternate positions on the Council. Nominees are being sought for the three-year term that begins January 1, 2014.

The committee plans to present a slate of potential nominees to the USHBC Executive Committee for consideration by February 11, 2013. The Council will then make final candidate selections at the USHBC Spring Meeting on March 1, 2013. At this meeting, the Council will recommend to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture a final candidate for a handler member and alternate and two importer members and alternates, along with two additional candidates for each of these three positions, for consideration by the Secretary for final appointments.

Blueberry industry members interested in being considered for the USHBC Handler or Importer Member and Alternate positions are asked to complete a USHBC Handler & Importer Nominee Application (see attached) and send their completed application to the USHBC via fax at (916) 983-9022 or email to no later than Friday, January 18, 2013.

Please contact the USHBC office by phone at (916) 983-0111, or by email to with any questions you may have about these positions or the nomination process.

Source: U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council