Grimmway Farms Named Exclusive Supplier Of Biggest Loser Fresh Carrots

Bakersfield, CA – Grimmway Farms recently announced their partnership with Giraffe Interactive as the exclusive carrot supplier of The Biggest Loser consumer brand and plans an early November launch of an extensive line of baby carrots catering to both retail and foodservice venues alike that are all co-branded with The Biggest Loser.

Grimmway Farms will debut the new products at the PMA Fresh Summit in Anaheim, CA October 27-28.  To build enthusiasm for the program, past Biggest Loser contestants and current Biggest Loser Resort employees Sione Fa (Season 7) and Mark Pinhasovich (Season 10), will be on hand.  Fa and Pinhasovich plan to participate in the PMA Fit Foundation 5K with Grimmway’s Team Orange and visit with tradeshow attendees during the expo, signing autographs and sharing personal experiences from their weight loss journeys.

As a leader in the carrot industry, Bob Borda, Vice President of Marketing for Grimmway Farms remarked, “Carrots are an extremely healthy, versatile and convenient food.  This brand partnership with The Biggest Loser is a great opportunity to share that message more clearly with consumers and promote fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet.”

In fact, connecting with consumers and sharing that health messaging will be prominent on the new Grimmway Farms carrot packaging.  Thanks to a cross-promotional partnership with The Biggest Loser Resorts, Grimmway Farms is hosting a 14-month sweepstakes that allows consumers to register to win one of three trips to the Biggest Loser Resorts.  Registering for the sweepstakes will be as easy as scanning a QR code or visiting the new<> microsite.  The new site will also feature health and nutrition information from Derek Johnson, Executive Nutrition Director for Biggest Loser Resorts.

In addition to branded packaging and the consumer sweepstakes, Grimmway will also network with consumers’ online, sharing recipes, healthy content and more chances to win Biggest Loser merchandise through social media sites including Facebook and Twitter.  “The Biggest Loser online audience is nearly 2 million strong and they are a loyal community eager for information on healthy living,” said Borda.

Grimmway Farms will offer the Biggest Loser brand in both private label and the Grimmway brand and will work with retailers to customize a program that meets each retailer’s individual needs.

Melinda Goodman, Vice President of Marketing for Giraffe Interactive commented, “The Biggest Loser has transcended its role as an entertainment brand and has become a lifestyle brand focused on healthy living.  We’re proud to welcome a market leader like Grimmway Farms into the program and help them celebrate the health and wellness benefits of carrots.”

Grimmway Farms joins current marketing partners Sage Fruit in promoting The Biggest Loser brand.  During the next several months, Giraffe Interactive will be announcing new grower-shipper partners in additional categories timed with the premiere of Season 14 of The Biggest Loser debuting in January on NBC.

For more information about retail promotional programs or co-branded licensing opportunities contact Melinda Goodman at 414-967-5755, or via email at

About Giraffe Interactive

Giraffe Interactive is a marketing and promotional company focused on driving incremental produce sales through the use of compelling information at the point of purchase, innovative technology and merchandising platforms and brand campaigns that strive to inform and entertain customers.  For more information, visit

Source: Grimmway Farms