Introducing The Barcelona World Flower Cup 2012

The Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya, one of the leading floral art schools in Spain, is organizing a new type of floristry cup, with contestants sending in their creations over the internet.

Every participant in the World Flower Cup is expected to create two floral works, which he/she photographs from three different angles: a front view, a view from above and a close-up. Those photos are subsequently sent in, to be judged by the panel of experts which the Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya has assembled.

The unusual format of an international, on-line only, floral competition is certainly ground-breaking. Florint considers the contest an interesting experiment, but one that comes with quite some challenges, particularly regarding the judging of the contestant’s works. In light of the concept’s potential however, Florint gladly cooperates with the Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya to make the competition a success.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Van VLIET Flower Group