Piave Vecchio, From Veneto's Lattebusche Dairy

Although we are most familiar with the large Alpine mountain cheeses from the Jura and the Alps between France and Switzerland — Gruyere, Emmental, Comte — there are other Alpine mountain cheeses made further south and east in the Italian Alps, in the regions of Trentino and the northern parts of Veneto.

One of these is Piave, a firm cheese made by the Lattebusche dairy in the Piave River Valley of Veneto.

According to The Nibble's detailed entry on Piave, the cheese has been made in its current form since 1960, but is similar to cheeses made in the area for centuries. It is a pasteurized cow's milk cheese made in the manner of Parmigiano-Reggiano, with milk from the evening milking allowed to stand overnight so the cream rises, which is then skimmed. The morning milk is then added with all of its fat intact, and the cheesemaking progresses.

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